Letters from Suburbia – Feb 2017

So it’s time to spread the news. ALL OF THE NEWS. Ok, there’s not that much.

As you may or may not know, I’m not one for planning ahead. Commitments beyond a few months stress and intimidate me. Which is why this year my plan is… not to plan! Well not plan much anyway.

Yes, I was considering another degree, but without a scholarship I really couldn’t afford to, and I didn’t want to extend it out to four years by studying part time. So, instead, my partner and I are taking advantage of the no rent paying situation we currently find ourselves in, throwing caution to the wind and travelling! Who wants to settle down and get a real job anyway, not me I don’t.

from Pexels

Come February we will be hitting the road and trekking from Yarra Valley, VIC to South East Queensland with a few stop ins on friends along the way. We hope to work a little while we’re there, staying at my parents currently unused house (convenient, I think so). From there we’ll check out North Queensland and I’ll be able to officially say I’ve been all along the east coast of Australia, so that’s a win.

Beyond that, we haven’t really figured things out. What I have figured out is what I want to get out of my writing this year.

I’m already working on two commissioned articles this year and I hope to have at least one due each month. I’ve submitted several stories to competitions and have fingers crossed so tightly it’s difficult to type. It’s not all about the money but I fully intend writing to be my career and while the chance of success with a competition is less, the payoff is greater and having deadlines to meet is a huge motivator.

Ever since reading The Invention of Angela Carter I’ve been hugely motivated and inspired in my writing. I have written one 3000-word short story, five pieces of flash fiction and started a few other pieces, all in one month!

This year I have some pretty big writing goals:

  • Complete and seek publication for a prose pamphlet/chapbook
  • Write a novella
  • Win a writing competition
  • Make over $1000 from writing (hoping I’ll actually reach $5000)


So there it is, THE NEWS. I plan on upping my blogging game this year as well so if you want to follow along on the travels and see how those writing goals are tracking please follow me hear or @SarahRHFallon. I’m just so flipping excited for 2017.


P.S. I really need to book a dentist appointment though

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