My 3 best short story rejections

Being a writer comes with the bitter knowledge that you’re going to be rejected… a lot. I have been lucky enough to have six short stories accepted (so far) but I also received 17 rejections this year alone. Those form rejections certainly sting but I take it in my stride, it’s all part of the gig (though four in one week was particularly painful). Sometimes, however, a rejection is so positive and uplifting it’s almost as good as an acceptance… kind of.

Here are a few of the sweetest most encouraging rejections I’ve received so far.

Thank you so much for sending us “Showing Hearts”. I appreciated the chance to read it and enjoyed the metaphorical heart writ literal pretense for the story. Unfortunately, the piece is not quite right for us, but we hope you will consider submitting again in the future!

With just the two of us reading all stories ourselves, it is not possible to provide specific feedback, I’m afraid, but I can tell you that, while we won’t be publishing this piece, it was a good read—thank you!

Many thanks for the submission of ‘Roots’ for our November issue. Unfortunately, it has not been selected for publication in this issue. It was, however, listed on the long-list for publication, and was certainly strongly considered. We had a huge volume of submissions for the issue, and selection was highly competitive.

Our fiction editor has asked us to pass on that she enjoyed the piece very much, and to encourage you to continue submitting in the future. We would be very glad to have the opportunity to read more of your work.

‘Showing Hearts’ has now been accepted after 8 rejections and will be published later this year. ‘Roots’ is still searching for its forever home.

Keep writing, keep submitting and don’t give up, rejections are all part and parcel of being a writer.

5 responses to “My 3 best short story rejections”

  1. […] [Related Post: My 3 best short story rejections] […]

  2. […] always dreamed of being the person who shot off a short story to a new publication as soon as that rejection email hit my inbox. The reality is, I don’t submit often. By the time that rejection comes in, or the allotted time […]

  3. […] When I was first submitting ‘Roots’ around I was targeting literary journals and speculative fiction marketplaces because these were the places I usually submitted my work. Needless to say I didn’t get much love (although I did get some very encouraging rejections). […]

  4. […] wrote at least five new short stories that I rushed into submission (and thus rejection) but am now working on them again. I attempted a few novels, and while I did flounder and stop […]

  5. […] talked about rejection before. I’ve talked about how sometimes a rejection letter can be the most motivating thing you receive, I’ve talked about perseverance and patience in the face of rejection and I’ve talked about […]

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